Stakeholder Relations

Engaging stakeholder participation in policy formulation

16 May 2014

Your Guide to Doing Business in Free Trade Areas Part 1

16 May 2014

Your Guide to Doing Business in Free Trade Areas Part 2

16 May 2014

Your Guide to Doing Business in Free Trade Areas Part 3

21 January 2015

Doing Business with the EU using GSP+
Davao Programme

21 January 2015

Doing Business with the EU using GSP+
Cebu Programme 

21 January 2015

Factsheet on The Philippine Application to The GSP+ Scheme of The European Union.

21 January 2015

Factsheet on The Philippine Application to The GSP+ Scheme of The European Union.

9 February 2015

Trade, Investment and Industry Indicators.

9 February 2015

Trade, Investment and Industry Indicators.

News Archive
Competition Law and Policy Primer
The Competition Law and Policy Primer is now available for free download. ...
AEC The Philippine Game Plan – The 4C Strategy: Growing Global MSMEs
The Philippine AEC Game Plan is now available for free download. ...
Business Beyond Borders – Inspiring stories of Filipino companies in ASEAN Private jet flight
Learn from the experiences of local companies who managed to innovate and explore the global market. ...
We are implementing a new industrial policy; CAR gets ready to draw up regional industry roadmap.
The DTI and the BOI have been conducting similar fora in the country to facilitate development of local roadmaps. ...
IPP – strategic plan to grow industries
The Board of Investments (BOI) Board has approved the general policies and specific guidelines of the 2014-2016 Investments Priorities Plan (IPP). ...
DTI and UP-ISSI Forge Partnership to Craft Gifts, Decors and Houseware Industry Roadmap
DTI and UP-ISSI partnership to craft Gifts, Decors and Houseware Industry Roadmap, will increase competitiveness and productivity of SMEs. ...
BOI-approved investments increase 17% in 1Q
When fully operational, the 59 projects approved during the period are expected to generate 18,174 jobs, up 65% from last year’s 11,636....
DTI urges investors to support growth in Agribusiness and Logistics in Northern Mindanao.
The DTI has been working in partnership with other international organizations to identify specific interventions to assist the local SMEs in building capacity for production, packaging and promotions...
The Philippines becomes a beneficiary of the EU-Generalized System of Preferences Plus (EU-GSP+).
EU-GSP+ is a preferential tariff scheme granted by the European Union to developing countries that meet the very stringent application requirements....
DTI’s new mission: Seminars on advantages of PHL inclusion in EU-GSP+
The inclusion of the PHL in the (EU-GSP+), gives the country trade advantages to the 28 member European bloc resulting in a 10% increase in exports to the group in 2015....
Doing Business in Free Trade Areas
Bringing your products to the world....
Government and private sector address red tape encountered for securing permits and licenses
The DTI is working closely with stakeholders, relevant agencies, and the private sector to sustain partnerships....
The Philippines is currently the only country in ASEAN to be granted inclusion in the EU-GSP+
DTI through the Export Marketing Bureau (EMB) and DTI Cebu Provincial conducted an information session entitled, “Doing Business with EU using GSP+”....
AEC drives us to improve the way we do things – Secretary Gregory L. Domingo
The forum gathered over 400 stakeholders from the private sector, government, and the academe. ...
DTI encouraged Cebu stakeholders to take advantage of opportunities from AEC
The forum gathered some 250 stakeholders from the private sector, government, and the academe. ...
DTI Secretary Gregory L. Domingo talks on AEC forum in Iloilo
DTI and BOI completed 25 industry roadmap projects to help strengthen the country’s competitiveness in the ASEAN Economic Community integration next year....
DTI conducts 2nd Business Consultations on PH Trade Negotiation Strategy
The DTI recently concluded its dialogue with various business leaders in updating them of the Philippines’ trade and economic interests in the international fora on a multilateral, regional and bilate...
DTI: Strengthen tourism value and supply chains to benefit from ASEAN integration
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) encouraged local stakeholders to ensure that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) gain from the benefits of ASEAN integration. ...
DTI and DILG converge to encourage local participation in ASEAN economic integration
The DTI, as the lead agency in the country’s AEC related efforts has been conducting briefings in key cities....
2014 IPP to Spur Inclusive Economic Growth
In 2014, the IPP will be our fundamental industrial policy tool for industry development strategies...
GDP and Growth in Manufacturing
• Philippine economy posted 7.0% GDP growth in Q3 2013 from 7.3% recorded the previous year...
Aerospace and Electric Vehicle Industries Present Roadmaps
The Aerospace Industries Association of the Philippines (AIAP) and the Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines (EVAP) will present their respective industry roadmaps ...
DBFTA Sectoral Sessions
Engaging local businesses to take advantage of our Free Trade Agreements...
Industry Roadmaps through the lens of Competitiveness
Recognizing that industry-level reforms are crucial in building and enhancing competitiveness of Philippine industries, the DTI-BOI intensifies the roll out of more industry roadmaps. ...
Trade Negotiation Agenda
The Philippine Trade Negotiation Agenda (TNA) supports the goal of inclusive growth and poverty alleviation...
Philippines-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
PJEPA is the country's first and only bilateral free trade agreement...
Philippines and EFTA sign Joint Declaration on Cooperation; FTA talks set to begin
The JDC aims to enhance economic cooperation between the Philippines and members of the EFTA. EFTA Member States include Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein....
ASEAN Community
The Philippines is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand with its original members, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippin...
Unified approach to trade policy
The DTI seeks to enhance trade policymaking and negotiations, learning from lessons of past trade negotiations. ...
What is Trade for Growth; Growth in Trade?
Trade for Growth; Growth in Trade (TFG-GIT) is an initiative of the Industry Development and Trade Policy Group (ITCP)....

Investing in the Philippines

private jet rental >